

Arriving Late 2024:  F1B Bernedoodle Puppies

We interview all prospective clients via our Online Puppy Application below so that we may assist you when choosing your new family member. There are two parts to selecting your puppy:


  1. Online Application (below) 
    Complete all fields in the form below.

  2. The Deposit
    Submit your $250 deposit & reserve your spot in the selection queue via Venmo or Cash App. Also, please submit the signed Deposit and Purchase Agreement form.
    (See the Berenedoodle Puppy Info Page for additional details)

Please complete all fields then press "submit" your application. We will confirm your application within 48 hours. We reserve the right to refund your deposit and cancel the purchase agreement at any time at our discretion.

First and Last Name *
E-mail *
Cell Phone *
Complete Address: City, State, Zip *
Describe your dog experience, housing, and training plans *
Do you agree to spay/neuter your pup? *
Preferred sex (Male, Female, Either) *
How did you find us? *
Preferred coloring (NOT a reason for deposit refund): *
Additional information, notes, or questions: *

You have the opportunity to have your own veterinarian examine your new puppy within 4 days after taking him/her home and if any significant health condition was found to be wrong with your new puppy that existed on or before delivery, then you would be entitled to a replacement or refund. We extend our replacement guarantee against significant hereditary conditions for a period up to 2 years of age. A veterinarian's certification would be required for any guarantee claims.

We do require that all puppies be spayed or neutered when they are "of age" (six months+ is recommended). This is necessary to maintain the integrity of this hybrid breed and is also a sign of responsible pet ownership. We do not support early alterations (often done at 6-8 weeks), so we ask those who purchase the puppies to respect this choice and follow up with the alteration when the puppy is six months+ old. Failure to complete this process will result in a complete invalidation of all warranties and certifications and may result in subsequent legal action.

We reserve the right to refund your deposit and cancel the purchase agreement at any time at our discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions


You may have questions about Bernedoodles, the selection process and how to get the right puppy for your family. Visit our FAQs and see if we don't answer some of these questions for you!



Your leading breeder of doodle puppies in Oklahoma, breeding high-quality family pets since 2006.